AMD’s third-generation Ryzen processors for laptops have officially arrived at CES 2020, with the announcement of the new Ryzen 4000 series of chips based on the company’s 7nm Zen 2 architecture. They’re the first AMD laptop chips to make the jump: while the company brought that Zen 2 to desktop with the Ryzen 3000 series, its 3000-series laptop chips still used an older process.
The new chips are designed to go head-to-head against Intel’s latest chips, including the next-generation 10nm Ice Lake lineup. As AMD CEO Lisa Su announced onstage, compared to Intel’s top 15W Ice Lake chip, the Core i7-1065G7, a comparable Ryzen 4000 chip like the Ryzen 7 4800U benchmarks 4 percent better in single-thread performance, 90 percent better in…