March 25, 2019 Telegram adds the option to delete chats on other people’s devices Telegram, the WhatsApp rival that gained 3 million followers when Facebook had a day-long outage this month, has come out with a significant privacy-focused…
March 25, 2019 NBC shot an entire episode of the ‘Tonight Show’ with the Galaxy S10+ Samsung is no stranger to using TV events as sales pitches for its smartphones, but now it's taking over an entire TV show. Variety…
March 25, 2019 YouTube is reportedly canceling its big-budget originals As Apple and Amazon dig deeper into their bottomless pockets for more video streaming content, one tech giant is stepping away from originals. YouTube's…
March 25, 2019 YouTube reportedly canceling original series as it moves away from premium content YouTube has canceled two of its biggest original series, and it’s not accepting pitches for new scripted shows, according to sources who spoke to…
March 25, 2019 How to watch Apple’s streaming service launch event With its hardware announcements out of the way, the stage is set for Apple's main event. Today is all about Apple's shift to services:…
March 25, 2019 Apple’s ‘show time’ event: how to watch the live stream online When Apple CEO Tim Cook faces the cameras at the Steve Jobs Theater in Cupertino today, he’s going to be addressing an audience eager…
March 25, 2019 The Morning After: Tesla’s Autopilot might be generous letting cars into your lane Hey, good morning! Yes, Apple's new video-streaming service is set to be unveiled later today — we'll be reporting from the frontlines in San…
March 25, 2019 Almost all of IFTTT’s Gmail functionality is disappearing this week Almost all of IFTTT’s Gmail integrations are set to disappear this Sunday, following Google’s announcement that it would make sweeping changes to the way…
March 25, 2019 Nintendo could launch two new Switch consoles this year Nintendo might launch two new Switches as early as this summer, reports the WSJ. As previously rumored, one would likely be a smaller and…
March 25, 2019 New EV startup Canoo will only sell cars on a subscription basis Electric vehicle startup EVelozcity, which was founded in late 2017 by three former BMW executives (and ex-Faraday Future employees), has a new name and…