May 1, 2015 Bezos Spaceship Completes Its First Test Flight by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jeff Bezos, chief executive of, said in a statement that the spacecraft reached 58 miles high and parachuted to…
May 1, 2015 Apple, IBM and Japan Post See Profit in the Old-Age Market by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR Apple, IBM and Japan Post are partnering to provide a technology service for older adults. The venture reflects the larger ambitions…
May 1, 2015 Social Media Punished as Results Fall Short by VINDU GOEL and MIKE ISAAC By VINDU GOEL and MIKE ISAAC The performances illustrate the way investors are questioning whether social media companies can keep their growth rates vigorous…
April 30, 2015 Microsoft (Yes, Microsoft) Has a Far-Out Vision by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD The reshaped Microsoft that Satya Nadella, the new chief executive, envisions has fewer internal fiefs and is more willing to favor…
April 30, 2015 Video Feature: Astronomy Apps for Getting to Know the Starry Night Skies by KIT EATON By KIT EATON A series of apps fill in information on the darkened sky, from red dwarf stars to the International Space Station. Published:…
April 30, 2015 With Patent Litigation Surging, Creators Turn to Washington for Help by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR A Senate bill introduced on Wednesday was aimed at slowing so-called patent trolls, companies whose principal business is generating suits rather…
April 30, 2015 Legislators Introduce Student Digital Privacy Bill by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER The student digital privacy bill comes at a time of widespread government and industry enthusiasm for education technology, along with mounting…
April 30, 2015 Data Company Unearthed Twitter’s Earnings Early by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC Selerity, a financial analytics firm, tweeted what appeared to be Twitter’s disappointing earnings release before Twitter made it public. Published: April…
April 30, 2015 Twitter Troubles Lie in Marketers’ Reluctance to Buy New Kind of Ad by VINDU GOEL and SYDNEY EMBER By VINDU GOEL and SYDNEY EMBER Twitter’s shares have been punished since it reported its earnings because advertisers and investors are having trouble figuring…
April 30, 2015 Microsoft Takes Steps to Close Its App Gap on Mobile Devices by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD Microsoft has steadily lost influence in the technology industry as software developers gravitated to mobile technologies like Google’s Android and Apple’s…