March 17, 2015 Facebook Announces a Payments Feature for Its Messenger App by VINDU GOEL By VINDU GOEL The feature will at first be limited to people who are Facebook friends, but Wall Street expects that such transactions will…
March 17, 2015 IBM Introduces Twitter-fueled Data Services for Business by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR IBM and Twitter rolled out their data services for business. They are the first products of a venture that is strategically…
March 17, 2015 Layoffs at Food Start-Up Hampton Creek by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD While layoffs at start-ups are not uncommon, it’s unusual for them to occur so soon after their coffers have been replenished…
March 17, 2015 Uber’s Chief Financial Officer to Leave Company by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC Brent Callinicos, the chief financial officer of Uber, plans to leave the ride-sharing company, in what will be one of the…
March 16, 2015 Facebook Clarifies Rules on What It Bans and Why by VINDU GOEL By VINDU GOEL The world’s largest social network is trying to help users better understand what is allowed on the service, and is also…
March 16, 2015 Silicon Valley Investor Warns of Bubble at SXSW by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC Bill Gurley, a partner at Benchmark, has been warning of an impending Silicon Valley bubble-burst for quite some time, and he…
March 16, 2015 A Police Gadget Tracks Phones? Shhh! It’s Secret by MATT RICHTEL By MATT RICHTEL A growing number of law enforcement agencies have acquired sophisticated surveillance technology to track cellphones but have done so with an…
March 16, 2015 Managers Turn to Computer Games, Aiming for More Efficient Employees by CONOR DOUGHERTY and QUENTIN HARDY By CONOR DOUGHERTY and QUENTIN HARDY BetterWorks is part of a growing office software niche that aims to whip workers into shape through compulsory…
March 15, 2015 Meerkat Basks in Breakout Glow, Despite a Twitter Snag by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC Ben Rubin, founder of the live-streaming video app Meerkat, was undeterred by a cold shoulder from Twitter at the annual tech,…
March 14, 2015 For Tech Titans, Sharing Has Its Limits by MATT RICHTEL By MATT RICHTEL Lesser and major luminaries in the tech world are demanding that contractors and tradesmen working on their homes sign nondisclosure agreements….