July 2, 2014 The Bright Side of Facebook’s Social Experiments on Users by FARHAD MANJOO By FARHAD MANJOO Studying how social media sites are used can provide valuable insight into human behavior and may also help curb their power…
July 2, 2014 Cybercrime Scheme Aims at Payments in Brazil by NICOLE PERLROTH By NICOLE PERLROTH Researchers say transactions worth $3.75 billion were compromised, though it is not clear how much was stolen. Published: July 3, 2014…
July 2, 2014 American Soccer Fans Dominate FIFA’s Online Audience by HIROKO TABUCHI By HIROKO TABUCHI Is the United States becoming a soccer nation? Interest in FIFA’s online outlets in the United States is running well ahead…
July 2, 2014 Facebook’s Secret Manipulation of User Emotions Under British Inquiry by VINDU GOEL By VINDU GOEL The Information Commissioner’s Office in Britain is reportedly investigating whether the social network broke data protection laws by manipulating the emotional…
July 2, 2014 Twitter’s Revolving Door Spins Again by VINDU GOEL and MIKE ISAAC By VINDU GOEL and MIKE ISAAC The continuing turmoil in Twitter’s executive suite, a hallmark of the company’s eight-year existence, suggests that the company…
July 2, 2014 Canadian Antispam Law Whips Up a Storm of Last-Minute Messages by IAN AUSTEN By IAN AUSTEN An antispam law requiring proof that a recipient has consented to be sent emails has resulted in a torrent of messages…
July 2, 2014 U.S. Accuses T-Mobile Of Overbilling by EDWARD WYATT and BRIAN X. CHEN By EDWARD WYATT and BRIAN X. CHEN The Federal Trade Commission said the carrier made hundreds of millions of dollars from premium texting services…
July 1, 2014 Your Personality Type, Defined by the Internet by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY We know that we are watched online, our feelings scanned by Google and Facebook to figure out what next to sell…
July 1, 2014 Twitter Names Ex-Goldman Banker Anthony Noto as Chief Financial Officer by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC Twitter shuffles its executive ranks once again, appointing a well-known tech banker as its chief financial officer. Published: July 1, 2014…
July 1, 2014 The Incredible Shrinking Tech Spending Projections by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY It’s something of a ritual: On Monday, an analyst firm lowered its projection for information technology spending. Gartner’s projection change isn’t…