November 22, 2013 Intel’s Recovery Realization by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY Intel executives made a startling admission: that the company’s fixation on personal computers blinded it to the reality that transistors are…
November 22, 2013 F.C.C. to Weigh Allowing Cellphone Use on Flights by EDWARD WYATT and NICK BILTON By EDWARD WYATT and NICK BILTON The Federal Communications Commission’s plan is already opposed by many passengers and by flight attendants, although some airlines…
November 21, 2013 Young Immigrants Write Software to Highlight Lack of Legal Status by VINDU GOEL By VINDU GOEL, an advocacy group, is holding a Silicon Valley hackathon in which 20 young people who entered the country illegally as…
November 21, 2013 Jury Finds Samsung Owes Nearly $290 Million in Apple Patent Trial by BRIAN X. CHEN By BRIAN X. CHEN The jury’s decision puts an end to one chapter in the long-running patent saga between the two tech companies. Published:…
November 21, 2013 A Camera That Offers Instant Gratification and Prints by ROY FURCHGOTT By ROY FURCHGOTT The Fuji Instax Mini 90 Neo Classic offers printed pictures, but at a steep price. Published: November 21, 2013 at 12:00AM…
November 21, 2013 Daily Report: Nokia Considers Its Uncertain Post-Handset Future by THE NEW YORK TIMES By THE NEW YORK TIMES With the $7.2 billion sale of its handset unit to Microsoft nearly complete, the company must now determine how…
November 21, 2013 Painting With a Stylus, Despite What Steve Jobs Said by KIT EATON By KIT EATON Human fingers work fine on touch screens for most purposes, but a stylus may bring out your inner artist. Published: November…
November 21, 2013 AT&T and Verizon Pressed to Detail Roles in U.S. Surveillance Efforts by BRIAN X. CHEN By BRIAN X. CHEN Shareholder resolutions are demanding more disclosure about the companies’ role in handing over customer data to the government. Published: November…
November 21, 2013 A Smart Smoke Alarm That Keeps Its Cool by JENNA WORTHAM By JENNA WORTHAM The newest product offering from the company that came up with the smart thermostat combines smoke and carbon monoxide detection in…
November 21, 2013 A Viral Video Encourages Girls to Become Engineers by CLAIRE CAIN MILLER By CLAIRE CAIN MILLER The complicated Rube Goldberg machine in a viral video ad from a start-up toy company called GoldieBlox has a simple…