October 8, 2014 Europe Digital Nominee Demands Stronger U.S. Data Rules by MARK SCOTT By MARK SCOTT Europe’s proposed digital chief said American policy makers had to improve how Europeans’ online information was protected by some of the…
October 8, 2014 IBM’s Watson Attracts Commercial Clients by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR IBM’s Watson unit is announcing its first wave of commercial partners, as the company tries to turn the impressive technology into…
October 8, 2014 After a Buggy Start, Apple’s iOS 8 Is Adopted More Slowly by Customers by BRIAN X. CHEN By BRIAN X. CHEN The release of Apple’s latest mobile software system, iOS 8, was riddled with major bugs, and Apple customers actually seem…
October 8, 2014 In Net Neutrality Discussion, Lawsuits Loom Large by EDWARD WYATT By EDWARD WYATT A consensus has finally emerged on net neutrality: Whatever rules the F.C.C. adopts, someone will take it to court. Published: October…
October 8, 2014 Voice Activation Systems Distract Drivers, Study Says by MATT RICHTEL By MATT RICHTEL Research conducted at the University of Utah found that most distracting voice-activating systems flustered drivers to the point of them “cursing…
October 8, 2014 Twitter Sues U.S. Government Over Data Disclosure Rules by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC The social media giant wants to loosen restrictions on what it is allowed to tell users about government information requests. Published:…
October 8, 2014 Middle Eastern Petrochemical Plants Are Targets of Hackers by Nicole Perlroth By Nicole Perlroth A pervasive form of financial malware has been modified and is now being used to hack into Middle Eastern petrochemical companies….
October 7, 2014 Facebook Readies App Allowing Anonymity by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC The app, which is expected to be released in the coming weeks, reveals a different, experimental take on Facebook’s long-established approach…
October 7, 2014 EBay Opens Fine Art Live-Auction Sites, for Second Time by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC The new product, now available to a handful of galleries, will feature items priced anywhere from a few thousand dollars to…
October 7, 2014 Microsoft and Other Firms Pledge to Protect Student Data by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER The participating companies are publicly committing themselves not to sell information on kindergartners through 12th graders. Published: October 7, 2014 at…