September 29, 2014 Literary Lions Unite in Protest Over Amazon’s E-Book Tactics by DAVID STREITFELD By DAVID STREITFELD Many more writers have signed on to Authors United, a group not only challenging Amazon on its Hachette dealings, but also…
September 29, 2014 With New Ad Platform, Facebook Opens Gates to Its Vault of User Data by VINDU GOEL By VINDU GOEL The company is introducing an advertising platform that will allow marketers to use its vast knowledge of consumers on other websites…
September 29, 2014 A Glum Sign for Apple in China, as Smuggled iPhones Go Begging by PAUL MOZUR and SHANSHAN WANG By PAUL MOZUR and SHANSHAN WANG Distrust of American technology and a crackdown on government corruption have left Chinese smugglers struggling to sell their…
September 28, 2014 With Perspective From Both Sides of His Desk, F.C.C. Chairman Ponders Net Neutrality by EDWARD WYATT By EDWARD WYATT Tom Wheeler spent decades as a lobbyist for the cable and wireless industries, experience from which he has drawn in creating…
September 28, 2014 The Google Formula for Success by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR The key to success in modern business is hiring and nurturing “smart creatives,” according to a new book co-authored by Eric…
September 28, 2014 After One Product Recall, Fitbit Faces a New Safety Inquiry by RACHEL ABRAMS By RACHEL ABRAMS A federal product safety investigation into the Fitbit Flex comes only months after the company recalled another of its activity-monitoring wristbands,…
September 28, 2014 100 Million Smart Things: A Conversation With Scott McGregor of Broadcom by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY The chief executive of Broadcom predicts a future of total facial recognition, DNA-based signatures and chips in our brains, and he…
September 28, 2014 Giving Away Software to Make It More Valuable by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY Continuuity, a big-data start-up that spent three years developing data-analysis software, is donating it to the world as open source, and…
September 28, 2014 The Unrepentant Bootlegger by JENNA WORTHAM By JENNA WORTHAM Hana Beshara remembers her time with a popular illegal video downloading site as one of adventure and camaraderie, although she wound…
September 27, 2014 The Business Case for Diversity in the Tech Industry by FARHAD MANJOO By FARHAD MANJOO Google argues that a diverse work force can help it come up with better products. Published: September 26, 2014 at 12:00AM…