June 19, 2014 A Closer Look at Amazon’s New Fire Smartphone by THE ASSOCIATED PRESS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Amazon has introduced a new smartphone that will be closely tied to the products and services it sells, while adding…
June 19, 2014 Why Did Amazon Make a Phone? A Conversation With Jeff Bezos by FARHAD MANJOO By FARHAD MANJOO Jeffrey P. Bezos, Amazon’s founder and chief executive, discusses his motivation behind making the Fire smartphone, whether he expects to make…
June 19, 2014 BlackBerry to Add Amazon App Store to Phones by IAN AUSTEN By IAN AUSTEN John S. Chen, BlackBerry’s chairman and chief executive, has repeatedly acknowledged that an absence of popular apps has hampered the BlackBerry…
June 19, 2014 With a Strong Earnings Report, BlackBerry Shows Signs of Stabilizing by IAN AUSTEN By IAN AUSTEN The troubled smartphone maker, in the midst of a turnaround push, reported a narrower-than-expected adjusted loss and a rise in phone…
June 19, 2014 Facebook Service Restored After Worldwide Cutoff by MARK SCOTT and DAVID JOLLY By MARK SCOTT and DAVID JOLLY Users from London to Hong Kong were unable to log into their accounts for more than a half-hour,…
June 19, 2014 G.A.O. Tech Chief Says Washington Should Start Small on Big Projects by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY The Government Accountability Office says many U.S. IT projects are nearing failure, costing taxpayers maybe $10 billion. The real problem, according…
June 19, 2014 Antitheft Technology Led to a Dip in iPhone Thefts in Some Cities, Police Say by BRIAN X. CHEN By BRIAN X. CHEN For several years, cellphone theft has been a growing problem. But police in several major cities say they are finally…
June 19, 2014 For Ideas on How to Live Greener, Think Mobile by KIT EATON By KIT EATON Environmentally aware apps can help a user with tasks like recycling, making a home more energy-efficient and purchasing everyday items. Published:…
June 19, 2014 T-Mobile Offers iPhone Tests and Unlimited Music Streaming by BRIAN X. CHEN By BRIAN X. CHEN The wireless carrier’s chief executive says a potential merger with Sprint would intensify the kind of innovation T-Mobile announced on…
June 19, 2014 Facebook Makes Its Own Computer Networking Switch by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY The social media giant announced that it had created a new kind of computer networking switch, potentially capable of shifting data…