Half of workers are worried about the cost of going back to the office

Almost half of UK employees are concerned about the cost of going back to the office, according to research from Slack.

These stressors include costs such as travel and food, at a time when almost 9 in 10 British adults are reporting a rise in their cost of living, according to data from the Office of National Statistics (ONS). 

Slack’s survey spoke to 1,000 UK knowledge workers, examining the impact of the office on their wellbeing and how businesses can build healthier workplaces. 

What’s troubling UK workers?

Quite a lot apparently, almost 73% of UK workers have experienced burnout in the past year according to the research, while 37% revealed going to the office makes them feel stressed, worried, or anxious.

For 49%, this fear of heading to the office is due to apprehension about harming their work-life balance.

However, Slack’s research did present a positive view of the impact of technology on the world of work from UK workers

Over two thirds – 69% – agree technology is a help at work, not a hindrance, and 62% say they are able to work more flexibly thanks to technology.

What can businesses do?

The study found the majority – 70% – of UK workers believe implementing a four-day working week would improve their health and wellbeing at work.

The research’s findings on hybrid working are similar, with a large proportion of UK workers – 44% – believing this flexible remote-office model of working is best for their mental health and wellbeing.

Despite how we’ve been home working for most of the period following the pandemic, a study from AT&T has revealed that the vast majority of businesses lack a detailed hybrid work strategy.

Despite this, only a small number of employees surveyed – 28% – said they have  free choice over if and when they work in the office. 

“An employee who is cared for and supported will be inspired to do their best work,” said Chris Mills, Head of Customer Success EMEA at Slack. “It’s positive to see UK workers highlighting that hybrid work and technology has an important part to play in their wellbeing.”

  • Interested in building an environment that works well for your employees? Checkout our guide to the best online collaboration tools.