Nothing raises the price of its Ear 1 buds to $149 citing increased costs

You only have a bit over a week left to get Nothing’s Ear 1 wireless earbuds for $100. Carl Pei, the company’s founder and CEO, has announced on Twitter that Nothing is raising the Ear 1’s price to $149 on October 26th due to increased costs. In follow-up tweets, Pei talked about how Nothing has expanded since it started developing the device. He revealed that the company had three engineers during the initial stages of the earbuds’ development and had 185 a year later. Pei also said that Nothing has sold almost 600,000 Ear 1 units so far and that it had paved the way for the company’s first smartphone, the Phone 1. The executive didn’t say whether the company has any plan to raise the Phone 1’s prices.

Nothing is but one of the tech companies raising the prices of its products due to inflation and the rising costs of components. Meta added $101 on top the Quest 2 VR headset’s original price and is now selling the standalone device for $400. We praised it for being a steal at $299 in our review, but Meta explained in a blog post that the “costs to make and ship [its] products have been on the rise.” Apple raised App Store prices across Europe and Asia, as well, and one possible reason is that the Euro is weak against the dollar. The tech giant is also selling its devices like the iPhone 14 Pro at much higher price points in Europe, most likely due to the same reason.