September 21, 2015 4chan Message Board Sold to Founder of 2Channel, a Japanese Web Culture Pioneer by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC 4chan, an anonymous online message board with more than 20 million monthly visitors, is being acquired by the founder of 2channel,…
September 21, 2015 Clever, a Software Service, Gives Schools a Way to Manage Data Flow to Apps by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER A new company, Clever, is addressing questions raised by politicians and parents about the data on students, and how it is…
September 21, 2015 Kickstarter Focuses Its Mission on Altruism Over Profit by MIKE ISAAC and DAVID GELLES By MIKE ISAAC and DAVID GELLES Yancey Strickler and Perry Chen, the crowdfunding site’s co-founders, announce that their company is reincorporating as a “public…
September 21, 2015 Apple Confirms Discovery of Malicious Code in Some App Store Products by KATIE BENNER By KATIE BENNER Security researchers said hackers took advantage of the fact that many Chinese developers use copies of code that are held on…
September 20, 2015 Software Is Smart Enough for SAT, but Still Far From Intelligent by JOHN MARKOFF By JOHN MARKOFF In a first, an artificial intelligence program answered math questions on the SAT by understanding diagrams and sentences, but scientists say…
September 20, 2015 Farhad and Mike’s Week in Tech: Social Media Defends Ahmed Mohamed by FARHAD MANJOO and MIKE ISAAC By FARHAD MANJOO and MIKE ISAAC Twitter and Facebook users rallied around the 14-year-old boy detained for bringing a homemade clock to school, showing…
September 19, 2015 Favorite tweets Kids actually perform better academically with four-day school weeks, research shows: — New York Magazine (@NYMag) September 19, 2015 from Via…
September 19, 2015 Shopping for Amazon Apps With Android by J. D. BIERSDORFER By J. D. BIERSDORFER The company created its Amazon Appstore app for Android shoppers, but it has now released the Amazon Underground app to…
September 19, 2015 From EyeEm, Technology to See and Tag Photos by MARK SCOTT By MARK SCOTT As large tech giants look for ways to make it easier to find photos online, the Berlin-based start-up has released technology…
September 19, 2015 Daily Report: Flashbacks to Fiorina at H.P. by JOSEPH PLAMBECK By JOSEPH PLAMBECK One of Silicon Valley’s giants, Hewlett-Packard, had a moment in the spotlight at Wednesday night’s presidential debate, as Carly Fiorina’s record…