June 29, 2015 Behind Silicon Valley’s Self-Critical Tone on Diversity, a Lack of Progress by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC Tech giants like eBay, Facebook and Google acknowledge that they have work to do to increase diversity, but the repetition of…
June 29, 2015 When a Company Is Put Up for Sale, in Many Cases, Your Personal Data Is, Too by NATASHA SINGER and JEREMY B. MERRILL By NATASHA SINGER and JEREMY B. MERRILL Some consumer websites say they will not sell users’ data, but unrestricted-data clauses allow them to transfer…
June 29, 2015 Agency Taps Mapping Technology to Curb Rail Crossing Accidents by JAD MOUAWAD By JAD MOUAWAD The Federal Railroad Administration is hoping its new measure to integrate grade-crossing locations into mapping technology will curb the recent increase…
June 28, 2015 Apple Can Skate by Taylor Swift, but Not Product Missteps by BRIAN X. CHEN By BRIAN X. CHEN The tech giant has managed to keep regulators at bay and to appease a pop star angry over Apple Music….
June 27, 2015 Adjusting GPS Coordinates in Photos by J. D. BIERSDORFER By J. D. BIERSDORFER The coordinates embedded in a picture file may not reflect the actual location for a number of reasons, but it…
June 27, 2015 F.C.C. Chairman Sees No Need to Set Aside More Airwaves for Smaller Cell Carriers by DINO GRANDONI By DINO GRANDONI Tom Wheeler, head of the Federal Communications Commission, says the agency is already doing enough to increase competition among wireless companies….
June 27, 2015 ZestFinance Takes Its Big Data Credit Scoring to China by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR JD.com, a Chinese online retailing giant, and ZestFinance, a big data start-up, are creating a joint venture. The goal: exploit new…
June 27, 2015 Daily Report: The Promise of Faster Fiber-Optic Transmissions by THE NEW YORK TIMES By THE NEW YORK TIMES A group of electrical engineers says that sending information in a new fashion could, in theory, double the capacity…
June 25, 2015 Favorite tweets Next Wednesday, 8pm ET @JoeMantegna is back for an all new season of @MidwayUSA 's #GunStories http://t.co/jVqrxo1I1X http://pic.twitter.com/DYVmcD9bql — Outdoor Channel (@OUTDChannel) June 24,…
June 25, 2015 Updating an Internet Radio by J. D. BIERSDORFER By J. D. BIERSDORFER When URLs change, there are ways to bring in the radio station streams you’re looking for. Published: June 24, 2015…