June 17, 2015 Consumer Groups Back Out of Federal Talks on Face Recognition by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER Early Tuesday, nine civil liberties and consumer advocate groups announced that they were withdrawing from talks with trade associations over how…
June 17, 2015 Google Is Its Own Secret Weapon in the Cloud by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY Google is becoming more public about its data centers, talking about its network and how much fiber it owns. The idea…
June 16, 2015 Xbox One to Get ‘Backward Compatibility,’ Microsoft Says at E3 by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD Executives said that people who own the Xbox One will be able to play many games originally created for the previous…
June 16, 2015 LastPass Password Manager Acknowledges Breach by NICOLE PERLROTH By NICOLE PERLROTH LastPass, the online password manager, announced Monday that its network was breached and that hackers made off with user email addresses, password…
June 16, 2015 Companies Move On From Big Data Technology Hadoop by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY If you’re up on big data, you’ve heard of something called Hadoop. It may be worth billions, but some of Hadoop’s…
June 15, 2015 Elon Musk Wants Your Hyperloop Ideas by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY SpaceX, Elon Musk’s rocket company, announces a competition to design and build vehicles for the Hyperloop, a proposed new kind of…
June 15, 2015 Virtual Reality Headsets Raise Very Real Concerns by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD Users of the new generation of these devices will have to navigate the physical and emotional challenges of their real-life and…
June 15, 2015 IBM Invests to Help Open-Source Big Data Software — and Itself by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR IBM plans to invest heavily in accelerating the adoption of the open-source big data software, Spark. With the move, IBM is…
June 13, 2015 New Internet Regulations Take Effect, and Web Users See No Change by REBECCA R. RUIZ By REBECCA R. RUIZ For all the buildup, the dawn of the new net neutrality rules was anticlimactic. For the average user weary of…
June 13, 2015 Favorite tweets We made it! Six Seasons! Thanks to the millions of new Yahoo users who are our most engaged audience across our network. #CommunityLivesOn —…