February 21, 2015 Bringing Big Data to the Fight Against Benefits Fraud by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER To detect possible abuse of programs or benefits, state and local governments are turning to data-mining techniques long used by financial…
February 21, 2015 Internet Taxes, Another Window Into the Net Neutrality Debate by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR Congress wants to permanently ban taxes on high-speed Internet service. But will the F.C.C.’s plan for utility-style regulation open a door…
February 20, 2015 Yahoo Courts Mobile App Makers with New Tools by VINDU GOEL By VINDU GOEL Building on its acquisition of the start-up Flurry last year, the Internet company is seeking to broaden its influence with mobile…
February 20, 2015 Daily Report: Microsoft Zeroes In on Mobile by THE NEW YORK TIMES By THE NEW YORK TIMES There’s a new strategy afoot at the company, which has brought apps and services to the Apple and Android…
February 20, 2015 AT&T’s Offer: Share Your Data for Personalized Ads, or Pay More by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER For Internet customers who opt out of the targeted ads from GigaPower, AT&T’s ultrafast fiber optic network, prices start nearly $30…
February 20, 2015 Investors Create a Billion-Dollar-Baby Boom by MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and MIKE ISAAC By MICHAEL J. de la MERCED and MIKE ISAAC For investors, the hunt is on for the next proverbial “unicorn,” a nascent business worth…
February 20, 2015 Auto Team Is Forming at Apple by BRIAN X. CHEN and MIKE ISAAC By BRIAN X. CHEN and MIKE ISAAC The company has collected about 200 people over the last few years to develop technologies for an…
February 20, 2015 Researcher Discovers Superfish Spyware Installed on Lenovo PCs by NICOLE PERLROTH By NICOLE PERLROTH The malicious code was buried deep inside the machines, where regular security software would have a hard time finding it. Lenovo…
February 19, 2015 HP Targets Cisco and Facebook With New Line of Open-Source Networking Gear by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY Why is Hewlett-Packard undermining its own networking business? Current events. Businesses now want open-source software on the cheapest boxes possible. Published:…
February 19, 2015 Favorite tweets #knownews #wired RE: IFTTT’s New Apps Offer a Button for Triggering Other Apps http://t.co/WGYpaJ5dS4 http://ift.tt/1JrBvVw — Derek T McKinney (@DerekTMcKinney) February 19, 2015 from…