January 27, 2015 Price Cuts for Crucial Microsoft Products Eroded Holiday-Season Profit by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD The company said the weak personal computer market hurt its Windows business, as second-quarter net income dropped to $5.86 billion from…
January 26, 2015 Why Apps for Messaging Are Trending by MIKE ISAAC and MICHAEL J. de la MERCED By MIKE ISAAC and MICHAEL J. de la MERCED People are spending more time on messaging apps, which many say allow for multimedia exchanges…
January 26, 2015 Tech Giants Invest in New Dreams of Grandeur by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY A series of investments by some of the tech industry’s biggest companies may sound odd, but they point to larger ambitions…
January 26, 2015 Verizon’s Mobile ‘Supercookies’ Seen as Threat to Privacy by NATASHA SINGER and BRIAN X. CHEN By NATASHA SINGER and BRIAN X. CHEN Advertisers, and possibly other third parties, are finding ways to exploit a hidden tracking mechanism that Verizon…
January 25, 2015 Your College May Be Banking on Your Facebook Likes by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER College fund-raising offices are turning to a handful of start-ups to help identify prospective alumni donors through their social media activity….
January 24, 2015 G.E. Profit Rises as It Puts a Stronger Focus on Its Industrial Business by STEVE LOHR By STEVE LOHR As the company returns to its roots as a maker of industrial products like jet engines and medical equipment, it has…
January 24, 2015 Sharing iTunes With the Whole Family by J. D. BIERSDORFER By J. D. BIERSDORFER How to keep a passing interest from following you around on Google Now. Published: January 22, 2015 at 07:00PM from…
January 24, 2015 Sony Postpones Earnings Announcement, Blaming Hacking Attacks by PAUL MOZUR By PAUL MOZUR The company said it would delay a quarterly earnings report as a result of disruptions to the computer network at its…
January 24, 2015 Microsoft’s Holographic Vision Triggers a Flashback by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD The introduction of the HoloLens by Microsoft brought back memories of the history of its Kinect device. Published: January 22, 2015…
January 23, 2015 Button, a Mobile Start-Up, Looks to Link Apps With Commerce by MIKE ISAAC By MIKE ISAAC The idea is similar to what Google did for search more than a decade ago. Published: January 21, 2015 at 07:00PM…