May 11, 2014 The Peril of Knowledge Everywhere by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY Technology is taking us to a legal and social crisis. It’s not just that we have unprecedented amounts of data about…
May 11, 2014 A Tough Stretch for Tom Wheeler on Net Neutrality by EDWARD WYATT By EDWARD WYATT The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission has had a tough month. Published: May 10, 2014 at 12:00AM from NYT Technology…
May 10, 2014 Defending the Open Internet by JEFF SOMMER By JEFF SOMMER As the F.C.C. prepares to address “net neutrality,” one of the most influential voices is the professor who coined the phrase….
May 10, 2014 What It Means When Google ‘Verifies’ an App by J. D. BIERSDORFER By J. D. BIERSDORFER Plus deleting old Passbook cards on your iPhone. Published: May 9, 2014 at 12:00AM from NYT Technology via IFTTT
May 10, 2014 Students, Please Welcome … Jeff Bezos? by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD The chief executive of Amazon is known for being selective about his public speaking engagements, speaking in front of few groups….
May 10, 2014 Writers Feel an Amazon-Hachette Spat by DAVID STREITFELD By DAVID STREITFELD Amazon’s secret campaign to discourage customers from buying books by Hachette, one of the big New York publishers, burst into the…
May 10, 2014 A Patent Surfaces Detailing a Facebook Smartphone by NICK BILTON By NICK BILTON While reports of a Facebook phone have been circulating for years, a Facebook patent filing has surfaced that shows the exploration…
May 10, 2014 Apple’s Pursuit of Beats May Foretell a Shift by BEN SISARIO By BEN SISARIO Apple, which has been hesitant to enter the streaming market, could finally be taking the plunge. Published: May 10, 2014 at…
May 9, 2014 Apple Publishes Expanded Report on How It Handles Government Data Requests by BRIAN X. CHEN By BRIAN X. CHEN The guidelines include notifying customers when their information is being sought by law enforcement officials, except for when that would…
May 9, 2014 Will a Government Settlement Improve Snapchat’s Privacy? Don’t Count on It by FARHAD MANJOO By FARHAD MANJOO The Federal Trade Commission’s privacy agreements with tech companies haven’t led to a general improvement in privacy. Published: May 8, 2014…