April 27, 2014 Writing in a Nonstop World by QUENTIN HARDY By QUENTIN HARDY Our interactions with computers have gone from brief and long to frequent and glancing. That difference is changing how we write,…
April 27, 2014 A Student-Data Collector Drops Out by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER The demise of inBloom, after just 15 months in operation, offers a cautionary tale for purveyors of education technology software. Published:…
April 26, 2014 Reading Message Headers in Gmail by J. D. BIERSDORFER By J. D. BIERSDORFER Plus rebooting a cable box and DVR. Published: April 25, 2014 at 12:00AM from NYT Technology http://ift.tt/1jLSLCA via IFTTT
April 26, 2014 Apple Will Replace Faulty Switches on iPhone 5 by REUTERS By REUTERS Apple has offered to replace faulty on-off buttons on the iPhone 5, a rare flaw that it said on Friday affected “a…
April 25, 2014 Favorite tweets Will you be able to see next week's ring-of-fire #eclipse? http://t.co/vtFQedjdx8 http://ift.tt/1lQ6VFh — SPACE.com (@SPACEdotcom) April 25, 2014 from http://ift.tt/1jo7OXt Via IFTTT
April 25, 2014 CreepShield Claims to Out the Creeps in Online Dating by NATASHA SINGER By NATASHA SINGER Facial recognition software is pushing the boundaries of our privacy. But what if it is not always correct? Published: April 25,…
April 25, 2014 Companies Back Initiative to Support OpenSSL and Other Open-Source Projects by NICOLE PERLROTH By NICOLE PERLROTH The Heartlbleed bug that weakened the security of millions of web servers and Internet-connected devices also exposed a flaw in open-source…
April 25, 2014 U.S. Plan for Internet Fast Lanes Contrasts With European Rules by MARK SCOTT By MARK SCOTT A proposal in the United States that would allow Internet providers to charge companies for more powerful transmission of web traffic…
April 25, 2014 Microsofts Profit Dips Less Than Expected as It Reshapes Itself by NICK WINGFIELD By NICK WINGFIELD The attention of investors seems to be less on the solid financial results and more on a series of bold bets…
April 25, 2014 Google Plus Boss Vic Gundotra Leaving Google by NICK BILTON By NICK BILTON Mr. Gundotra, who has been a strong proponent for Google’s social network, did not detail what he planned to do after…