President ***** will reveal the first James Webb Space Telescope image at 5PM today

NASA has decided to reveal the first James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) image today rather than waiting until tomorrow as planned, it announced in a tweet. President Joe ***** will do the honor at 5PM ET, with a live stream of the event available on NASA TV and images available simultaneously on NASA’s website

Anticipation has been building for the first images, to say the least. NASA stoked that on Friday by announcing the targets to be shown, including the Carina and Southern Ring Nebulae, the gas exoplanet WASP-96b and a deep field view of the SMACS 0723 galaxy clusters. Only a select group of scientists and administrators have viewed the images so far. “What I have seen moved me, as a scientist, as an engineer, and as a human being,” said NASA deputy administrator Pam Melroy.

It appears that just a single image will be revealed today, but NASA didn’t say which one. The rest are still slated to arrive tomorrow, starting at 9:45 with remarks by NASA and Webb leadership. That’ll be followed by live coverage of the image release slated for 10:30 AM ET on NASA TV, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch and Daily Motion