Runaways finally figures out the show it wants to be — right before it ends


Runaways could’ve been great. The show’s basic premise, about a group of teens who discover that their parents are all supervillains and run away to fight them, is beautifully on the nose. Teenagers rebelling against parents who are actually evil! Also, there are superpowers and a pet dinosaur? If no one else tries it, Riverdale will.

Unfortunately, Runaways, Hulu’s TV series based on the Marvel comic created by Brian K. Vaughan and Adrian Alphona, stumbled with the execution almost immediately. Its first two seasons were oddly paced and imbalanced, sapping all momentum from the show by decisions that didn’t end up working out so well — first in choosing to slow down the story so that the eponymous Runaways don’t actually, well, run…

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