May 19, 2022 All the Star Wars Characters You Need to Know Before Obi-Wan Kenobi Ben Kenobi may not have heard the name “Obi-Wan” in a while, but odds are you have. The latest Star Wars show, Obi-Wan Kenobi,…
May 19, 2022 How we learned to break down barriers to machine learning Dr. Sephus discusses breaking down barriers to machine learning at Ars Frontiers 2022. Click here for transcript. (video link) Welcome to the week after…
May 19, 2022 Netflix rolls out shuffle button for kids Picking out something new to watch from Netflix’s slew of kid’s titles can be overwhelming, for both parents and children. And sometimes kids are…
May 19, 2022 AIAIAI Studio Wireless+: Finally, low-latency headphones for music producers Wireless is increasingly the norm when it comes to headphones. Even some laptop makers are ditching the headphone jack. (Looking at you, Dell –…
May 19, 2022 New Microsoft 365 feature could save you from an email disaster Microsoft has unveiled a feature which may help keep users out of email-related hot water. Normally, when a message on Microsoft 365 can’t be…
May 19, 2022 Still can’t find a PS5? You can now register to buy one on the PlayStation app You can now register to buy a PS5 using the PlayStation App, giving customers the chance to purchase the console directly from Sony. In…
May 19, 2022 What is WordPress hosting? Whether you’ve been thinking about pouring your creativity into a personal blog, kicking off an online start-up, or upgrading your business with a professional…
May 19, 2022 Number of Potential Mystery Hepatitis Cases in U.S. Jumps to 180 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Wednesday that it is now looking into 180 reports of children with severe and sudden unexplained…
May 19, 2022 Android 13 will have native support for braille displays Android already has some accommodations for typing in braille, but Google is taking that one (important) step further with Android 13. As hinted at…
May 19, 2022 Gatik is bringing its self-driving box trucks to Kansas Autonomous vehicle startup Gatik says it will start using its self-driving box trucks in Kansas as it expands to more territories. Governor Laura Kelly…