Transit app Moovit rolls out more personalized trip-planning features

Transit app Moovit is aiming to be more helpful when it comes to helping users get to their destination. Starting today, the app is rolling out more personalized trip-planning features in 3,500 cities across 112 countries to build on its existing route suggestions.

One of new functions is called Smart Cards. Intel-owned Moovit will populate travel suggestions on the home screen based on factors such as your location, the time of day and week, your previous activity and items you mark as favorites. For instance, if you’re out and about and you have your home set as a favorite destination, Moovit will automatically suggest the best transit options to get back there. On the flip side, if you have your work address saved, the app will offer transit suggestions for traveling there during weekday morning commute hours.

A “recent trips” card will display transit options for destinations you’ve searched within the last 30 days on the same day of the week and at around the same time. You’ll also get transit suggestions for a nearby stop that you’ve marked as a favorite and departure details for nearby stations. In addition, you’ll have the option to return to your last trip itinerary. You can swipe between all these cards, which will appear just below the search bar.

Smart Cards in Moovit transit app

Another of the three new features is called Smart Trips. You’ll be able to set your preferred transit options when you set up the app or through the preferences menu on the Suggested Routes screen. That should be useful for those who, for instance, prefer not to take the subway. While you can select transit options in Google Maps, it’s on a trip-by-trip basis. Being able to save preferred modes of transport should save Moovit users some time.

The last of the new features is Smart Returns. You can quickly select a trip back to the last location you departed from. You’ll be able to set a departure time for the return journey on the Itinerary screen and receive a notification with suggested routes when it’s time for you to get going.