President Donald ***** delivers remarks in the Rose Garden at the White House on May 26, 2020. | Win McNamee/Getty Images
After the president tweeted misleading information about mail-in ballots, Twitter applied a warning label to *****’s tweets for the first time ever.
For the first time ever, Twitter has fact-checked President *****’s tweets.
Until now, Twitter hasn’t taken any action against *****’s account or tweets even when he has flouted the social media platform’s rules by posting false, harmful, or misleading content. Twitter’s rationale for letting ***** post these kinds of tweets has been that because he is a world leader, his posts are considered newsworthy and are therefore an exception to its policies. But after years of criticism about that stance, on Tuesday, the company added fact-check labels on two of *****’s recent tweets that shared misleading information about voting by mail.
On Tuesday afternoon, Twitter placed labels underneath *****’s tweets claiming that mail-in voting ballots in the 2020 presidential race will be “anything less than substantially fraudulent” and lead to a “Rigged Election.” If you click the labels, they take you to a fact-checking page that calls out his false statements.
While Twitter’s move will be welcomed by those who have long called for Twitter to start applying its policy rules to the President’s account, it’s also sure to set off conservative critics, who argue that by labeling the President, Twitter is limiting freedom of speech on the platform and reflecting a purported — but unsubstantiated — anti-conservative bias.
Here’s what the labels look like below:

The labels link to a fact-check “Twitter Moments” page, which calls *****’s claims about potential voter fraud “unsubstantiated,” and cites news articles from CNN, Washington Post, and other media outlets.

The company shared the following statement about the decision:
“These Tweets (here and here) contain potentially misleading information about voting processes and have been labeled to provide additional context around mail-in ballots. This decision is in line with the approach we shared earlier this month.”
Earlier in May, Twitter announced it would start to label misleading information, which the company says it’s been applying to key topics, starting with 5G conspiracies, and now, civic integrity and voting.
The company’s decision comes at a time when the President is under scrutiny for his latest tweets — in particular, for a series of posts making baseless murder accusations, as well as promoting the drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 patients, which could be potentially harmful.
A spokesperson for Twitter told Recode that the company decided to label the mail-in ballot tweets in particular because they deal with what the company considers a key issue area of civic integrity and voting.
The company’s fact-check of ***** raises some big unanswered questions about the precedent this sets for other world leaders. Will Twitter start fact-checking people like Venezuela’s Nicholas Maduro, China’s Xi Jinping, and Iran’s Ruhollah Khamenei when they make misleading statements on the platform?
According to Twitter, while the company won’t be able to fact-check every misleading claim by a world leader, it will start doing that for some others as well. It’s already deleted tweets from Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro and Venezuela’s President Maduro in which they endorsed unproven treatments for Covid-19. Last year, it also removed a tweet from an account reportedly linked to Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei calling for the execution of novelist Salman Rushdie.
While Twitter’s move today is an incremental one, it signals the company is willing to take more of a stand on misleading content on its platform — even if the person tweeting that misleading information in the President of the United States. The challenge will be when it decides to weigh in on the endless bucket of half-truths, conspiracy theories, and outright lies politicians post every day, and which are likely to increase in cadence as we get closer to the 2020 presidential election.
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via Vox – Recode